We believe you learn best when you get hands on

What is Ops on Tour?

  • We go to a supplier, facility or venue and ask them to help us understand their workflow

  • We get our hands dirty and really experience what it takes to fulfil the end result

  • And... we have a lot of fun. There will be a bit of a competition, some networking and some nibbles!

PSP Exhibitions

Become an AV ops superhero and go behind-the-scenes with PSP

PSP Exhibitions invite us to spend a day with them at their studio to see AV in action, get to grips with the technical side, understand the complexities of AV productions, learn from their experts and experience the myriad of AV options available for your events.
five young women and one man weearing high vis vests and holding light sticks
  • From mics, mixing desks and cables to LED walls, cameras and eye candy effects, get hands on with the latest tech and lighting options

  • A masterclass in audio, video and lighting

  • Explore live, hybrid and virtual AV options

When and where

  • Wednesday 4th December

  • Birmingham location

  • 10am - 4pm

  • Immerse yourself

    Experience BTS, understand the capabilities, opportunities and the impact your decisions can have.

  • Understand the process

    Take part in workshops to understand the considerations, limitations and just what you need to do to make the onsite process smooth.

  • Get Involved

    Do what few ops professionals have and become a supplier for the day so you truly understand what it takes to bring a service to your event.

Book Now

Ops Nest members don't forget your discount code!

"Having the opportunity to come together as a team, have some fun and do some learning is brilliant." Jen Phipps

"Absolutely make time for it!" Simon Garrett

"Well, that was a fun day out with #opsontour #theopsnest #everydayisaschoolday. I so wish I had done this 10 years ago and saved a lot of time on site and designer and client grief! Thank you!" David Humphreys